Save-A-Life is an initiative we have come up with for us to raise funds so that we can go out and assist more people who are less fortunate than most, as well as those that just need that little bit of extra love and support in our community and surrounding areas, along with striving to raise funds to create more free beds in our centre.
You have the choice of what amount you want to donate to this cause. We are grateful for any donation and believe every cent helps, so remember the choice is yours.
At Cornerstone Wellness Centre we promote a loving family environment with family values, and our vision is to be able to help the men find themselves, build a relationship with God, and to get that break and opportunity to a 2nd chance in life.
Be that superhero and be part of the Save-A-Life team. Help us to help others by means of doing soup kitchens, blanket drives, simply anything that our community, as well as surrounding area, need then for the centre as well.
As mentioned, to also create more free beds to get these men that are battling and cannot afford it off the street, giving them an opportunity to a 2nd chance in life.
Therefore, we ask that you please open your hearts and help us to help these men and with that 2nd chance in life.
Feel free to send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Plot 34, 291 Pine Road,
Magaliesmoot A.H, Pretoria
Craigh Van Tonder: 073 807 5651
Lizelle Van Tonder: 073 528 3384