
Written Testimonies

Wynand Stroh

-Age is not a Factor, Your Choice is!

I am 53 years old and I have Battled and Won a Heroin Addiction as I am nearly 2 years Clean and Sober, I was Addicted and using Heroin and other various drugs for 33 years. I come from a very Good and Loving Family, but all families come to the end of the rope at some time and they just can’t deal with us anymore as we Destroy everything we touch, we steal, we lie, we hurt and that’s just to our Families.

We then blame everyone around us and play the pity card and we end up hurting other people around us people that thought they could trust us. I had good jobs that I destroyed due to my addiction and plenty Friends that I Lost due to the addiction, that means for more than half my Life I was in a very dark and terrible space, I spent some Time on the Streets of Pretoria and let me tell you it’s not a Safe or Healthy place and does not Help at all as Drugs Are easily available on the streets.

I battled for a long time to understand why God showed me Grace and his Love but I am truly grateful for it as I am still Alive today, and it was God’s Grace that led my Brother to not give up on me and get me a Bed at Cornerstone Wellness Centre.

More like a Family actually not a Centre or Rehab I am so Grateful to be here Daily, He got me to Cornerstone Wellness Centre, where Craigh and Lizelle from day one just took me in, treated me like Family and I will be Honest at the time I did not Understand the Love and I did not want to be here Lizelle and Craigh you guys are amazing thank you for what you have done for me and God works wonders through the two of you, they helped me find myself again as well as are helping me find and grow my own relationship with God, it gets Stronger every day.

I have the Most Amazing Son and I can Honestly say that I missed most of his Highs and Lows, His achievements and his down falls where he would have needed a Father to comfort him or give him a pat on the back. We now have such an amazing relationship and I know I can’t change the past but I can make sure that I make it up to him from now onwards.

My other family members, my Mom, My Brothers that I thought would never speak to me again well let me put it this way for the last 2 Christmases I have spent it with them all at the Family Table Sober and loving it, God is AMAZING HOW HE WORKS.

After completing my 8 months’ program I knew I was not going anywhere and Craigh gave me my own room and made me Head House Father where I have now become House Manager and loving life, where I still stay under the supervision of the centre but have some freedoms, perks if you want to call them that, I work daily alongside Craigh and all the other men in the centre and it is building my Character.

I am currently to date 100% Sober and Clean for nearly Two, I am really growing stronger daily Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually. I Find Myself Laughing and Joking more just enjoying life as a clean and sober man. All Glory to God as his Unconditional Grace and Love for me and that he never gave up on me has Saved me “I am no Longer a Slave to Fear, I am a Child of God”.

So I just wanted to say, “Age is not a Factor, Your Choice is! Just want to say Thank you to Nico for never Giving Up, to my Mom for always Loving and to My Son Dwaine for coming back into my life, as well as the rest of the Family thank you for your Love and Support. Thank You God for your Love and Grace on my Life there is No Turning Back. Seek God and his Forgiveness, Don’t Give up, with Gods Help you can Beat Your Addiction.












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You can also contact us on the following!

Plot 34, 291 Pine Road,

Magaliesmoot A.H, Pretoria

Craigh Van Tonder: 073 807 5651

Lizelle Van Tonder: 073 528 3384

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